Theropod Thursday 15: theropods of the NHM London

We’ve had this one before, but it is so cool that I’ll start this post with it: Allosaurus peeking around the pillars in the NHM Dinosaur Hall.

a (slightly postero-) lateral view

I like the fairly erect posture of the supporting limb, for once a theropod is not in the perpetual “I need to go to the potty”-crouch we’ve come to be used to ever since Jurassic Park.

And Baryonyx walkeri, the famous Dorking Dinosaur. Slightly anterior view and posterolateral view.

This was hard to get good pictures of, because of the spotlights. Very atmospheric, but very much creating hard shadows, too.

The Tyrannosaurus model, again very un-crouched! Well done 🙂

And the very crouched Velociraptors Deinonychi, nearly freezing to death after having been plucked:

Very nice diversity in postures among the skeletal mounts, though! There is much good to be said about the NHM Dinosaur Hall, even if my first post on it may have sounded differently.

For the finale, here’s Gallimimus! I was very glad to see, for once, not Ornithomimus or Struthiomimus, but a different ornithimimid.

All the annoying metal bars and cables in the photos have to be there, I am sorry to say: the walkway and support for the skeletons mounted at the upper level are totally separate from the Hall’s walls! They could do with a dusting, though 😉

About Heinrich Mallison

I'm a dinosaur biomech guy
This entry was posted in Allosauridae, Allosaurus, Dinopics, Dinosauria, Maniraptora, NHM London, Theropoda, Tyrannosauridae, Tyrannosaurus. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Theropod Thursday 15: theropods of the NHM London

  1. Marc Vincent says:

    It’s Deinonychus, rather than Velociraptor. The three were originally posed around a Tenontosaurus carcass (what else?) where the T. rex robot is now positioned. (Badly scanned old pic here: – am I really linking to that again? Yes. Yes I am.)

    • Oh, my bad! Thanks for pointing this out!
      In fact, there was a label, but it was broken 😦
      They are a tad small for D., aren’t they? At least I remember the AMNH specimen to be quite a big bigger.

  2. steve cohen says:

    The D. at AMNH is about the size a good-sized turkey. It is mounted behind glass on an angle so it’s hard to be too exact.

    I’ve been trying to get a decent panoramic of it and I’ll send you a copy if I’m successful; the reflections on the display case are difficult to deal with.

  3. Pingback: NHM London: the building (outside) | dinosaurpalaeo

  4. Pingback: Some bio-architecture in London | dinosaurpalaeo

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